Our Basketball Teams will be doing a Cancer night on Jan 5th, 2024. Help show your support with the purchase of a T-shirt. Orders will be accepted thru November 26th.
Our Fremont Middle School students did a great job with putting together a wonderful program to honor our veterans. A meal was provided by our fantastic cook staff, our choir and band performed, and students were very reserved and respectful, an awesome display of Eagle Pride.
Thank you, U.S. Military Veterans!
5th/6th Grade Boy's Basketball practice will be held at the Elementary School today, 11/08. Athletes can be picked up at the Elementary gym from practice at 4:30pm. Any questions, please contact the Middle School.
FMS Athletic Calendar for the week of 11/06/2023.
The Steuben County Health Department in partnership with Fremont Community Schools will be offering flu shots and any school-required vaccinations for all students on Friday, November 17th. This clinic will also be open for parents and guardians to sign up and get a flu shot with their student.
Please see the attached flyers and schedule by phone or using the QR code provided (high school students must sign up during the elementary time slot).
Any questions can be directed to corporation nurse Sarah Foster BSN, RN at 260-495-4385.
FMS Athletic Schedule
10/30-7/8 Boys Basketball vs Prairie Heights @ 5p
FMS Honor Roll
1st Quarter 2023
November Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Interested in Wrestling? Sign up for Wrestling Clinics today!
🎶 Help Support your FCS Band and Choir! 🎶
Fremont Middle School Art Class Projects
6th grade fiber art story quilt pillows, 8th grade self-portraits, 8th grade fiber arts embroidery, and 7th grade still life drawings with black and white colored pencils.
The FMS Cafeteria Ladies showing love and inspiration for our FMS students.
Middle and High School
Honor Band
Fremont Band students were nominated by Mrs. Springar for the Indiana Bandmasters Association Northeast All-Region Band in September. Students who are nominated must pass the requirements and a panel of judges in order to be selected for this Honor Band. The judges evaluate over 150 nominations before selecting the top 70 students for Honor Band. The Following students have passed the requirements and were chosen for the Indiana Bandmasters Association Northeast All-Region Honor Band on November 11-12 at Dekalb High School.
Oliver Chorpenning -9th Grade Clarinet Player
Emma Cleckner - 9th Grade Alto Saxophone Player
Kylee Longarder - 7th Grade Clarinet Player
Christopher Thober - 8th Grade Alto Saxophone Player
Collin Walters - 8th Grade Trombone Player
Fremont Band students were nominated by Mrs. Springar for the Indiana Bandmasters Association Northeast All-District Band in September. Students who are nominated must pass the requirements and a panel of judges in order to be selected for this Honor Band. The judges evaluate over 150 nominations before selecting the top 80 students for Honor Band. The Following students have passed the requirements and were chosen for the Indiana Bandmasters Association Northeast All-District Honor Band on November 18-19th at Dekalb High School.
Rebekah Swager -9th Grade Flute
Gabby Concus - 10th Grade Flute
Elise Anzelmo - 12th Grade Percussion
Olivia Dirig - 11th Grade Trumpet
Leona Youtz - 11th Grade Clarinet
Middle School Football
Eastside at Fremont
Kickoff at 5:30pm
Jr. NECC Title hopes are on the line!
Come out and support our FMS team or watch LIVE on IHSAAtv.org (PPV) as they try and become repeat champions.
Good Luck, Eagles 🦅 ❤️
Best of luck to our 7th & 8th Grade Volleyball Teams as they begin their quest for the Jr. NECC title tonight!
Eastside at Fremont Middle School
5:00pm 7th Grade Game
8th Grade Game to follow
FMS Athletics 10.2.23
Happy National Custodial Workers Day!
We appreciate each and everyone of our Custodians and their hard work throughout our Schools. Thank you all!
Today we have 4 middle school students participating in the Indiana Middle School State Championships for cross country in Terre haute. Breckin Alaura - 6th grade Amoree Price - 8th grade Jonah Towers - 8th grade Good Luck Eagles 🦅❤️
October Breakfast & Lunch Menus