February Menus

Eagle Chatter

Fremont Community Schools will be closed today 1/25/23.
Be safe and enjoy “Build a Snowman Day”.

Bus #4 will be delayed approximately 1 hour in the PM route today Tuesday 1/24/23. This affects bus 4 only and only in the afternoon.
If you'd like to make changes to your child(s) transportation, please call the school office before 2:15 this afternoon.

This Friday & Saturday will be the Fremont Basketball Stuffed Animal Toss! We encourage everyone attending the games to think about donating a stuffed animal to Riley Children’s Hospital!

Calling all wrestlers! New and old! Steuben County Wrestling Club is in full swing! Didn't get to try out wrestling in our clinics before Christmas? Contact us at steubencountywrestlingclub@gmail.com or find us on Facebook (Steuben County Wrestling Club) to get more information! Practices and meets are going on now!

All of us in Fremont are shocked and deeply saddened by the tragic death of three of our young children and their mother. There are no words that can adequately express our sorrow for the loss of this family. Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers. On behalf of Fremont Community Schools, I extend our sincerest sympathy to this family. They have our heartfelt sympathy during this difficult time. We will have extra grief counselors at the school to help with any needs our faculty, staff and students have.

Eagle Chatter

Bus 4 will run 1 hour late for the afternoon run Friday 1/13/23. This affects bus 4 only and only in the afternoon Friday.

Elementary Maternity Leaves

From Mrs. Melchi
Possible future architects? Maybe designers? The class sketched out their plan and carried it through to their masterpieces. Some even attempted furniture. 😲
As we “traveled around the world,” we stopped in Germany and created Advent chains, gingerbread houses, Playdoh, and men with a little bit of bling! I’m fairly certain this may have been their favorite “destination.” The hardest part may have been limiting the taste tests!

Excited kindergarteners ready for their first Christmas performance in the auditorium!

NHS wrapped 65 gifts for the Lakeland residents🎄

Mrs. Thomas’ class went around the elementary and high school spreading Christmas cheer to all with some Christmas Caroling! We wish every a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

January Breakfast & Lunch Menus

It's reindeer day in 2nd grade!

In the 4th grade High Ability pull out Math program, Hezekiah Scantlen had the task of planning and building to scale a fort with two rooms. The thesis of the fort was the rooms needed to have the same area and different perimeters or different areas and the same perimeter. After construction, he wrote a scientific essay to support the thesis. Super job, Hezi!

Wednesday 12/14/22 bus 4 will be one hour late for afternoon drop off. This will only affect bus 4, in the pm tomorrow.

Mrs. Connors class had fun this week mixing, rolling, cutting gingerbread cookies. Of course, like in the books, the cookies ran away and we had to find them before we could decorate and eat them!

From Mrs. Lies and her Kindergarten Class.
Last week, we came into class and our gingerbread cookies for snack were missing! We received clues throughout the day, had to make inferences, and caught Mr. Bryan red handed with our cookies! Turns out, he was just really hungry. The cookies were returned and the case was solved.