🎄🎁🎄🎁Holiday Shop Schedule🎄🎁🎄🎁

Music Concert Information: Please see attached flyer

Eagle Chatter 12.2

Did you know you can view our breakfast and lunch menus on the app without searching for a document? Simply choose your school of choice, go to the menu and select Dining. This will allow you to view the day(s) of your choice. Your daily menu will also be listed right on the home screen of your selected school for a quick view!
For those who don't have our app, you can still find the menu on our website at the top of the Home page.

The Student Council body is hosting their Annual Christmas Coloring Contest. This is for grades K-4 and the completed pictures will be due on Monday, December 5th. Only colored pencils, crayons and markers. No extras such as glue, beads, glitters, or feathers. Student Council will judge all entries and announce the winners from each grade level.

Second and Fourth Graders silly stringed the staff for earning 75 Eagles, while Miss Fitzpatrick's class enjoyed pizza as a reward for bringing the most cans during the can drive.

We did our 2nd annual Fremont Elementary Eagles Turkey Trot 2022 during our P.E. classes last Thursday! Second graders walked/jogged a 1/2 mile and the 4th graders walked/jogged a mile. Everyone earned a certificate!
I am very proud of all of them!
2nd & 4th Graders are pictured.
Elementary P.E. Teacher - Kim Strowig

During the month of November, the students have been working on our Thankfulness Tree. Every session they got to write down something they are thankful for, cut it out in the shape of a “leaf”, and add it to our tree. As you can see, we have a lot to be thankful for!--
Kim Wagner
Speech Therapist

Eagle Chatter 11/11

Fremont 4th graders took time during their recess to decorate the Fremont American Legion in preparation for Veterans Day this Friday. Fremont Elementary grade levels each created posters, cards, and crafts to show their ongoing appreciation for those who have and are currently serving in the United States military. 🇺🇸 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!--

Steuben County Wrestling Club Information.
1st - 8th Graders

Fremont Youth League Basketball Information

November Menu

1st Grade Field Trip
Before Fall Break the whole first grade class walked to the Fire Station to learn about fire safety. They were able to try on gear, look into the thermal camera, and look at/learn about two of the Fire trucks.
Thank you to all the fire fighters that day for making that morning a special one for the first graders at Fremont Elementary School!

Fremont Elementary Vendor & Craft Shows would like to say thank you to the vendors, crafters, and everyone who attended the Boo Fest Vendor and Craft show this weekend. They raised just over $1,000.00 for the Elementary School Supply Fund!

We learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin today. Meet “Pumpkin Jack”! We read a special story about a little boy who throws his rotting jack-o-lantern in the garden, and in the spring, he finds a pumpkin plant! He cares for the plant all summer, and has pumpkins to share in the fall.
We carved our own jack-o-lantern and are going to observe and journal the changes we see in our pumpkin. Then this spring, we will cover it with dirt and see if we can grow a new pumpkin plant!
Jack came from the seeds of the pumpkin my class carved last year. I’m hoping to keep this going each year!

Eagle Chatter 10/21/22

You are going to be receiving a message from us about our new notification system. We will be using this system for delays, cancellations and other important information. The only action you will need to do is type “stop” to opt out. If you choose!!!

2022 - 2023 Calendar Change The last day before Christmas vacation will be Wednesday, December 21, 2022. Christmas Vacation will start Thursday, December 22, 2022. This change will give families two extra days for Christmas vacation this year. The first day back will still be Monday, January 9, 2023.

Fremont Community Schools
School Board Open Seat
With the resignation of Alicia Perry we have an open seat.
You must reside in Jamestown Township to be considered.
If interested please email me at bstitt@fremonteagles.us before November 1, 2022.