Late Bus Information:
Bus 3 - Friday 10/7/22 will be 1 hour late in the PM only.
Bus 3 - Tuesday 10/11/22 will be 1 hour late in both the AM & PM.

To Celebrate College week, Friday the 30th please wear a college shirt. If you don't have one, wear Fremont Eagles gear or the colors Red & Black!

Fremont Elementary acknowledges each child's birthday during the
morning announcements. To ensure instructional time is not lost and the
health of children with food allergies is not compromised, food treats may not
be distributed in the classroom. Instead you may send in small, non-edible
treats, such as stickers, pencils, etc.

All Transportation Changes need to be CALLED INTO THE OFFICE BY 2:15 to ensure the students gets to where they need to be. You can reach us at 260-495-4385