Fremont Community Schools Public Participation at School Board Meetings
The Fremont Community Schools Board of School Trustees recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of involving members of the public in its meetings. The Board of School Trustees encourages such comment and welcomes all patrons to attend and participate in school board meetings. To allow for fair and orderly expression of such comment, the Board of School Trustees provides a time at the beginning of each meeting during which visitors may make presentations (COMMUNICATIONS TO THE BOARD). Such presentations should be scheduled in advance at the Office of the Superintendent. Specific concerns should be addressed at the appropriate level within each school building prior to scheduling a presentation for the Board. Patrons will be asked to pre-register their desire to discuss an agenda item prior to the start of the meeting. To address the Board, you must be either a resident or employee of the School District or their designee. If you wish to address a particular agenda item, for which you have pre-registered, you may do so after the Board has discussed it and before Board action. Any representative of a firm eligible to bid on materials or services solicited by the Board of School Trustees will likewise be entitled to express an opinion. After identifying yourself, please make your comments as brief as the subject requires. Though your comments are welcome, the Board President will not allow inappropriate, personally directed, abusive, obscene, unwarranted or irrelevant remarks to interfere with the Board’s ability to conduct it business. It is the intent of the Board to allow for an orderly expression of information pertinent to education concerns in the school community.