Eagle Chatter 5.12.23
FHS Athletics 5/15/23
FMS Athletics 5/15/23
Summer Meals Information
Congratulations to these three Seniors on their College Signings. Way to go Eagles! 🦅
Don't miss our Spring Carnival!
Eagle Chatter
FES Cinco De Mayo Celebration
FHS Athletics 5.8.23
FMS Athletics
Boys Basketball Camp
Last night when I received the news that our referendum had failed, I had a ton of emotions. The first emotion was one of failure. I had failed Fremont Community Schools, the faculty, staff and students. We had spent a lot of time and effort on this referendum and it did not pass. We all knew that we faced an uphill battle with this referendum. From the confusing language on the ballot to already rising taxes because of increased assessed valuation. Those negative emotions quickly turned to planning our next steps. Yes, I am disappointed, frustrated, and irritated. At the same time I’m proud of our faculty, staff, students and our community. I am also still very proud to be the Superintendent at Fremont Community Schools. Nothing can take those positives thoughts away.
Even though the referendum failed, Fremont Community Schools will continue to be the best school district it can be. We might not be able to add the different programming we wanted to but we will continue to educate the students of Fremont Community Schools and strive for excellence. We will continue to have a wonderful school family, and we will continue be one of the best school corporations in the state.
We will put the referendum back on the ballot when we can. I am asking everyone to come together as we plan the next several years at Fremont Community Schools.
We are Fremont Strong!!!
Dr. William Stitt
FMS Athletics
Eagle Chatter 4.28.23
FHS Athletics 5.1.23
Information on Muffins for Moms at the Middle School will be sent home with students today.
2023 Summer Up Information
FHS Musical Information
Breakfast and Lunch Menus for May
Please help us make the carnival a success! Sign up to run a carnival game, and for each shift you work you will be entered into a drawing to win a gift card!